Friday, June 06, 2008

AAAND....homeschooling begins!!!

So, one of the most fun things in parenting is teaching your children. I have decided, once again, to take on the fun task of homeschooling my son! We are both incredibly excited about it and ready to learn all we can learn together!

We've started off the summer by taking a two day seminar on maximizing your memory. If you haven't done this...I highly recommend it. Not for only teachers or students, but ANYONE and EVERYONE...

We took this class from Ron and it is AMAZING. We are both so excited to be using the memory skills that were taught to us in those two days! It was a great way to begin our homeschool journey.

I will be using this blog to put what we're doing, what we're learning and hopefully give any other homeschooling parents some ideas to use with their kiddos. Well, heck, it's summer! You don't even have to be homeschooling. Just some great ideas to do with you kids...

So as summer begins...I am thankful we learned about memory first...considering we will be making a ton of them....


PAC said...

Cant wait to read your ideas!

Rosebud Collection said...

I think this is wonderful..You hear it happening more all the time..Lots of luck to you both and will be looking forward to reading about your updates..

T.Allen said...

I don't often write about my homeschooling adventures, I look forward to reading about yours...particularly because the Thompson's are an interesting bunch! :)

Katie L. said...

Good for you! I hope to homeschool my children too :)

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